香頌繽紛 Chanson Fun




《香頌紛繽Chanson Fun》運用金屬鋼板之特性而設計並且加入美學概念,剛柔並濟營造出悠閒幸福的氛圍,讓使用者更能享受到舒適感並能緩解生活壓力。設計者的唯一的信念是讓使用者獲得片刻休憩的小確幸。


With the pattern of blossom and vine, the comfortable and aesthetic metallic furniture makes design parts of daily life. The hollowed pattern on the surface of the table and chairs give the artwork kind of perspective with many layers.

 The same style of pattern on the chair bases adds charm and artistic conception to it. The artwork shows a more consistent aesthetic by integrating the style and new idea.

The design of 《Chanson Fun》takes advantage of the property of metal plates and, at the same time, add a sense of aesthetic into it. Having the quality of firmness and flexibility, the artwork creates a blessed atmosphere to the user. It enable the user to feel relax and ease the pressure. The designer wish the user can enjoy such little but indeed happiness of a moment of rest.